Game Life: What I've been playing

I'm a little late to owning a Nintendo Switch. I wasn't really sure if I wanted to get one, and while I loved video games, I felt I wasn't ready to commit to playing regularly. The last gaming console I had was a 3DS, and there were still a few games there that I didn't finish. (Note: This post has affiliate links from PlayAsia) But in late 2021 I gave in and purchased a Switch, and it was even the Animal Crossing version . It was on sale, a rather big chunk off from its introductory price a year before. Even with the game it was cheaper. How I got it was a funny story. Not my actual unit, but it does look like this. It's so pretty. I was out of the city for a trip, and I was chatting with. my best friend about his recent purchase of a Switch (yes, we were both late into the game). We were talking about the pros and the cons, and the games we found interesting until I said, "Ok, I'm gonna get one." I was planning on waiting until I get back to the city...